Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yet again, the writer inside me is desperately trying to get out!

I keep stifling her with excuses of being too busy or not good enough.

Today, The Pioneer Woman inspired me to let her out! Blog daily she said in her tips. So here I am attempting to paint the blank canvas that is my computer screen with words that may someday inspire you. Maybe not because this is all I could muster.

Here is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

It's been too long since I posted on my blog! However, this the first day of Thanksgiving Break, is a good time to get "caught" up on all things. This is my first creation of the holiday. People rush through this holiday too quickly. It's so important we stop and reflect on the things we are thankful for. Today, I am thankful I had time to sleep in, drink a cup of coffee, stay in my jammies and create this table center piece. I am going to stuff it into the car and share it on Thanksgiving day at my mom's house! I hope she likes it. Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weight Watchers Online

Me at the computer, Day 2 of Online Weight Watchers...Planning my meals for tomorrow and going ahead and plugging in their point values because I know I will be too tired or busy tomorrow night to do it...meal planning, hmmm, who would have thought it? Save money and loose weight? Sounds like a good deal!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saddest Part of the New Year

I have to admit, putting away the Christmas Tree is the saddest part of the New Year for me...however, my very smart pastor, Andrew Werley reminded me on his twitter account, that Christmas lives in our hearts for all year! That makes me feel better when the stocking are being put away until next year.

New Year's Eve!

So it is my goal to post one picture a day, everyday in 2011...

A year in the life, if you will...

I can not take credit for this AMAZING idea, I only wish I could. My friend, Bobby Hartzog, came up with this idea last year and I thought it amazing...some were profound photos and some were just everyday business. Isn't that what we miss? We are sure to take photos and write down big events in our lives, but it's in the little moments, the everyday things that we show who we really are...

So as a start, here is my first photo...New Year's Eve with my girl, before we both go to our separate parties...How pretty can you get Darbie? Inside and out! I am so very proud of who you are and what you stand for. You make me proud! I love you babe and I pray God's blessings and protection all over you! Happy New Year! Love, Momma

Monday, November 22, 2010


It's that time of the year. One of the BEST holidays America has to offer. Don't you think? I mean an entire day to ponder what your blessings are. To spend with your amazing family, to eat really great food and to offer thanks to the maker of the universe who sent His son to die for us, just because He loves us that much!

I am so thankful for my blessings, but I will be honest, sometimes I don't focus on them like I should.

I mean, I am so blessed. Overwhelmingly so....

So it just seems right to stop at least one day a year and list your blessings and then pray to God, thanking Him for all He has given you...

I will start my list here, but I don't think I will be able to list them all...

1. Jesus Christ as my savior
2. Jesus Christ as my best friend
3. Darbie Michelle...amazing daughter
4. Teaching
5. Touching lives
6. Teenagers...they are very cool
7. Joe
8. My sister, and the man that loves her
9. Julia
10. A.J.
11. My amazing mom
12. My amazing dad
13. My warm home, temperature and atmosphere
14. a car that runs
15. my job...where I work and who I work with
16. my best friends...they are such blessings to me
17. photography
18. Texas!!!
19. my students, past and present
20. my cousins...they are my first friends and I love EVERYONE of them
21. my aunts
22. my uncles
23. Gran and Grandma Alice
24. My mom and dad being close enough to have a relationship with their grandaughter, Darbie...way important, can not be replaced
25. Anna Football
26. Anna School District
27. Darbie's friends...they are blessings, everyone of them!
28. 1st Baptist Anna...nothing like a good church home
29. clean closets
30. health...mine and the ones I love
31. Baseball...all baseball and this year the memories My Texas Rangers gave me and my little family

God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving!