Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daily Gift

"Look for your present, God gives you one everyday!" says my mom...she lives it.

You can call her right now ask her what her gift was today and without missing a beat she will answer might be the red bird in the bird bath just outside her window or a phone call from a friend right when she needed it or a swarm of butterflies migrating to the south right over her head...anyway she looks at it, God gives her a gift everyday. She looks for it and then tells Him thank you, every time.

I love that she raised me with this attitude. It makes me appreciate the little things and it pulls me up when I am bogged down with the minute details of life.

So I wanted to share with you just a few of my gifts this week:

This sunset greeted me as I walked out of the local grocery story one night last week. Feeling blah and doing the regular chores of the week I walked to my car, bags in hand. I saw this masterpiece. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it took my breath away:

Shopping with my daughter and her picking this poster out to hang on her wall. What she has learned at 13 years amazes me...I was twice her age before I got how important this is:

Holding my friends new babies. I was able to visit two different friends this week. Each of them had new sons. One is 2 weeks old and one is 4 months. Oh the smell of newborns with lotion and powder and the sounds they make. The newborn grunt is so sweet and only lasts but a short time. It was music to my ears:

Like I said, these are just a few. Have fun looking for your present will make you smile.


  1. I need to def. take a page out of your book! Thanks for the blog...I will start looking for my present each day! You are so good...and btw, I cannot believe Darbie is 13! OMG!

  2. Love the reminder of looking for a present each day! You are definitely an example of living a positive life!!! You are a great friend!!
    PS--is there any way I could trade you days to take Jolene and Pete dinner? I'm supposed to do the 18th, but might need a few more days. Would you mind? Weren't you the 24th? Let me know!! Thanks, Jodie!

  3. My present today was a little boy playing with his "choo-choos" after dinner. His little choo-choo noises made my heart smile. Thanks for putting a name to what I was feeling.


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