Friday, December 11, 2009

Short Story

This will be a short post as it is way too late to be awake.

Why have I been drawn back to my post things that I am not even sure anyone is reading?

There is something healing about writing, even if there is nothing to write about.

We had a benchmark writing assessment in class today and I realized that I think you write more in school than any other time in your life.

That was until I thought about the countless journals I have stacked up in my closet, under my bed, on the bookshelf etc. I have always been a verbal processor, it just might be that the verbal is actually written.

Try it, you may just like it.


  1. hi jodie! i love reading your blog. Keep it up! I love it's new facelift. :)

  2. I love the new look! How did you get it? I need a fun one for my blog (that I don't use)!!!


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