Sunday, May 16, 2010

Attention...we all need it!

Attention, those of you who know me, know I love that word and all that comes with it...I would love to be on the stage getting attention, I love when I get attention for things I do well, I even love cyber attention...Facebook, blog comments's why I teach, frankly...well one of the 1,000 of reasons I teach...what other job do you get to stand on a "stage" and receive undivided attention?

So why am I afraid to give it to myself? Of at least the parts of me that aren't as fun to attend to, like my health, my chores, my budget....etc......So time for a paradigm shift! Instead of thinking of these things as work, I am going to start thinking of them as should help with the motivation factor!

So when making a change, one needs a plan, right? Here is the plan for Sunday, Day 1 of attention:

First things first:

Quiet time with God, I skipped church today but I don't want to skip time with my Lord...100% of the time starting off with Him always makes my day better....why have I not learned this yet? So in hand with my daily devotional book and journal I must go because He deserves the most attention, let's be honest!


Cleaning this has been ignored lately. Excuse is my schedule, but that's not a good reason. I have the best help in the world when it comes to hard work, Darbie! She is not afraid of hard work, never has been. She may even learn how to mow the yard today...she has asked me the last two springs to show her...I think she is ready!


Make a plan for the food I will consume this week. It's so easy to stop off at a fast food joint on the way home, seriously. But that is a temporary fix to a long term problem. I will be full for a few hours but my cholesterol and body % fat will go higher along with my health risks. Not to mention the example I am setting as a mom...I mean let's not get carried away here...I am a super single mom and I do not have an unsurmountable load of guilt, and Darbie is amazing...but we can always look for ways be better and this area defiantly needs my attention! So a grocery store list it is and eating at home it will be!

Not Last, but almost,

Looking at my budget...something else that has been ignored and needs attention....can I get an AMEN?

Almost last,

Exercise...I will make a plan to give myself this attention...I don't want this attention...but I need this's exercise will be the deep house work and yard work we will do...that DOES count, I don't care what anyone else says...but for the rest of the week....hmmmm, yoga at the place I pay for monthly? or boot camp with the girls at work? Not sure yet, but one of those it will be. I hate exercise...I do...I never was good at PE, never got chosen first, second or third for that matter on the recess playground, second to last was the spot reserved for me...and I never have yet to feel that "runner's high" everyone talks about...I want to, I really do! So many people I know can't wait to get their tennies on and go for it...the closest I have felt was in the yoga room, sweating it out and when I left...holy cow, I felt amazing...100% better....guess that's my answer for what I am doing the rest of the week for exercise....but instead of dreading this part of my new life, I am going to start looking at it as attention, because that my friends...I LOVE!

And Last,

Playing a board game or the Wii with my daughter! She I do give attention to...and that will continue...I love just talking to her, playing games with her, and my favorite is laughing with her!

So my paradigm shift will happen and instead of thinking about all these things as work and chores, I am going to look at it as "Look at all this attention I am getting!"

Now I am off to give attention to the one that actually deserves it the most....I might even get my Bible study lessons done before Wednesday night at this rate.... =)


  1. Jodie,I love this new outlook on life. This is such a great idea and something I should do also. When I start feeling better, I will be coming to you for help on how to show myself the attention I deserve, so you need to work all the kinks out for me:). You are such an inspiration, I love you friend! -Lana

  2. Jodie, you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I'm SO proud of you for not only coming to the realization that some things need tweaking, but putting together a game plan and doing it. I completely agree with Lana, you are such an inspiration and I love ya! :) Heather


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